Are you a die-hard cereal fan? Do you eat cereal for breakfast just because it’s quick and easy? Or do you have it as a “late-evening snack” to satisfy a sweet tooth? If any of these scenarios describe you or your family members, we have a great way for you to get your “fix” in this good-for-you wholesome version.
Isn’t cereal already a “wholesome” food? In most cases, that would be a resounding NO! Most commercially prepared cereals are chock-full of sugar, salt, and preservatives. In fact, most commercial cereals are a recipe for a mid-morning energy crash. Take a look at our crazy-delicious alternative and you’ll be brimming with energy all morning long!
Raw Cereal Ingredients
- 1 small banana, peeled and sliced
- 4-6 fresh, ripe strawberries, sliced
- 1 small handful fresh blueberries
- 1 small handful raw walnuts, roughly chopped
- 1 cup milk (raw goat or raw cow’s milk, coconut milk, almond milk)
Optional: add stevia liquid, raw honey, or pure maple syrup to taste
Optional: add a sprinkle of cinnamon and a teaspoon of ground flax seed if desired
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!
That’s it! The variations are endless—change up the fruits to your taste and use any raw nuts and/or seeds you like. The above just happens to be the combination we started with. Get crazy, have fun, and feel your energy levels soar with this nutritious treat!