Health Solutions

Nature’s Sunshine Goodness

The question of whether sun exposure is beneficial or harmful invokes many “heated” discussions in the medical field. Most medical doctors will advise you to block the sun’s rays by slathering your skin with chemical-filled sunscreens on a daily basis. We are inundated with massive advertising campaigns that tell us we should be terrified of […]

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The Crazy Fun Way to Get Healthier, Whiter Teeth: Oil Pulling!

purchase viagra online Are you ready to do something crazy? Of course you are-that’s why you’re here! I want to introduce you to oil pulling and show you just how easy it is to have a healthier mouth and whiter teeth. Is it fun? Well…that’s debatable. BUT– it is simple, easy, and inexpensive and the […]

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Shingles: Conventional and Alternative Prevention and Management order viagra online You start having pain, itching, burning, and possible numbness on your body in one area. You may even start feeling like you have the flu. You start to see fluid-filled blisters on your skin. You can’t figure out what is going on. Well, you might have Shingles. Don’t panic–we can help […]

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High Blood Pressure: What Is It and What Can You Do about It?

High Blood Pressure, also known as Hypertension, is a serious health problem that affects one in every three adults in the U.S. It is a “silent killer” as people usually have no symptoms, yet it can cause some serious, and sometimes fatal conditions. These include stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. The majority of cases […]

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5 Actions to Get Healthier Right Now

We all want to feel better. And we want everything to be fast and easy. We like fast foods, fast services, and fast results with as little effort as possible. We all want that quick-fix, miracle program that will FINALLY make us look and feel perfect. Guess what? I’ve tried more than my share and […]

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