Healthy DIY Pet Food Recipe for Dogs and Cats Do you want to feed your fur babies a high-quality wet food they’ll love at a price you can afford? Look no further than this economical, nutritious, and appealing recipe adapted from The Nature of Animal Healing by Martin Goldstein, D.V.M. From just a few simple ingredients, you can make your furry friends a food […]

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What is “Free Feeding” and Why Does it Work for Our Dogs?

What is “free-feeding” and why should you care? Free feeding means leaving high-quality dry kibble out and available for your dogs all the time. The pet food industry, and possibly even your veterinarian, have told you differently. Feed certain amounts, on a strict schedule, and absolutely no table scraps. If this works so well, why […]

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Detox Your Laundry Habits Naturally

Did you know your clothes are in need of a detox? Sounds like science fiction, but it’s actually true! Chemical-filled, synthetic detergents and dryer sheets can actually trap dirt and odors in the fibers of your clothing and towels. In addition to trapped dirt and odors, all those synthetic fragrances can wreak havoc on your […]

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